Saturday, December 8, 2012

QCS aired 12/8/2012 (w/ Bryce)

Bob Mould "Silver Age" from "Silver Age" (2012)
Callers "Antenna" from "Reviver" (2012)
Black Prairie "How Do You Ruin Me?" from "A
Tear in the Eye is a Wound in the Heart" (2012)
Mike Johnson "Not" from "Gone Out of Your Mind" (2006)

Chris Brokaw "Criminals" from "Gambler's Ecstasy" (2012)
Codeine "D" from "Frigid Stars" (1990/2012)
A.C. Newman "There's Money in New
Wave" from "Shut Down the Streets" (2012)

The Music Tapes "The Big Beautiful Shops (It's Said
That I Could Be Anyone)" from "Mary's Voice" (2012)
Cayucas "Cayucos" from "Like Wildfire" (2013)
The World Record "I Met the Girl (I'm Gonna
Leave You For)" from "Freeway Special" (2012)
Tommy Stinson "All This Way For
Nothing" from "One Man Mutiny" (2011)

Black Lips "Hippie, Hippie, Hurrah!" from "Let It Bloom" (2005)
Zeus "Love in a Game" from "Busting Visions" (2012)
Artichoke "The Market of Farms" from "Etchy Sketchy Skies" (2012)
Belles Will Ring "Mad Love" from "Belles Will Ring" EP (2012)

Ken Stringfellow "Jesus Was an Only Child (A
Numbers Man)" from "Danzig in the Moonlight" (2012)
The Posies "Paint Me" from "Failure" (1988)
Tom Fun Orchestra "Merry Christmas
Jim" from "Earthworm Heart" (2012)

Il Abanico "Keep Calling" from "Crossing Colors" EP (2011)
Stereolab "The Noise of Carpet" from "Emperor Tomato Ketchup" (1996)
The Babies "Baby" from "Our House on the Hill" (2012)
Flashbulb Fires "I Beat My Body Down" from "Gasconader" (2012)
The Forms "Knowledge in  Hand" from "The Forms" (2007)
Hostage Calm "On Both Eyes" from "Please Remain Calm" (2012)

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